What is Dining with Diabetes?
Dining with Diabetes is a K-State Research and Extension health and wellness program that consist of a series of four classes that includes learning, demonstrations, physical activity and tasting healthy foods. The program's focus is to help individuals learn strategies to lessen the health risks of diabetes.
2022 Fall Dining with Diabetes Flyer
Program Objectives
- Increase knowledge about healthy foods
- Present healthy versions of familiar foods and taste testing of recipes
- Demonstrate new cooking techniques
- Provide basic information regarding diabetes and nutrition
- Provide opportunities for sharing and learning from one another and from diabetes health professionals
Program Description
Dining with Diabetes is a national extension program provided to Kansans by K-State Research and Extension Family and Consumer Sciences professionals and community health partners. The Dining with Diabetes Online course is provided by Kansas State University Research and Extension educators and certified Dining with Diabetes course instructors and is designed for adults with type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and their family members, caregivers, and support persons. This course helps individuals learn strategies to manage their diabetes through menu planning, carbohydrate counting, portion control, and label reading.
*This course is not intended to provide individual prescriptions for diabetic meal planning and it is not intended to replace diabetes education furnished by qualified health care professionals.
For questions related to the course, please contact the instructor
Lori Wuellner
Extension Agent and Trained Instructor
Dining with Diabetes Online
Lori Wuellner/lwuellne@ksu.edu
Who can participate?
The program is designed for people with diabetes and their family members, caregivers, and support persons.
Sign Up for Our Next Class
Additional Resources
- 2021 NEW Diabetes Resources
- 2018 Making a Difference Impact Report
- Eat Well with Diabetes
- K-State Extension Food Nutrition, Dietetics and Health
- Kansas Diabetes and Prediabetes Facts, May 2016
- Burden of Diabetes In Kansas- Fact Sheet
- Burden of Diabetes in Kansas- Full Report
- National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2017
- "The Cost of Diabetes in the U.S." , Update Report March 2018
- Diabetes Infographic
- Prediabetes Infograghic
- Diabetes HealthSense
- Diabetes Basics
Helpful Web Links
- Artificial Sweeteners
- WebMD
- Mayo Clinic
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- American Diabetes Association
Lori Wuellner
Family and Consumer Sciences, Health and Nutrition
Phone: 913-299-9300 ext. 107
Email: lwuellne@ksu.edu
Jo McLeland
Receptionist/Office Professional
Phone: 913-299-9300
Email: jo1@ksu.edu