Achievement Pins and Scholarships

Achievement Awards

Individual Achievement plans are offered to assist members in designing a yearly program for themselves which· takes optimum advantage of the 4-H experiences available. Achievement awards recognize the accomplishments earned by 4-Hers and awarded yearly during the annual Achievement Night Celebration at the end of the 4-H year. Applications due by October 1, and to be turned in with youth Record Books to the Extension Office.


The tasks required for each award gradually become more difficult and increase in number each year. In addition, the focus of achievement for each year moves from local club work for beginning awards to county, state, regional and national activities for more experienced members. The gold pin and the gold guard can only be received after the leadership and silver guard pins have been received.

State 4-H Scholarships

Kansas 4-H scholarships are for high school seniors and some are for college undergraduates. Please visit the Kansas 4-H Scholarship website for complete details on scholarship opportunities

Other 4-H Scholarships

Casey Ling
4-H Youth Development Agent