What is a 4-H Project?
In 4-H, young people learn about topics that interest them! These are referred to as a member’s “projects.” Exploring your interests through 4-H project work is an excellent way to discover new skills and potential careers.
While projects can vary depending on our local program and availability, the KS 4-H Project Selection Guide offers a starting point for each of the official Kansas 4-H projects.
Not all projects have a countywide leader but don't let that stop you from joining a project! These projects are often times parent or self taught. All projects are offered for exhibit at the Wyandotte County Fair, regardless of whether or not there is a project leader.
Project Selection Guide (free pdf)
Exploring your interests through 4-H project work is an excellent way to discover new skills and potential careers. While projects can vary depending on your local program and availability, this guide offers a starting point for each of the official Kansas 4-H projects. Resources for each project can be ordered through your county or district K-State Research and Extension Office.
For full details about a project area, including resources, event info, and more, visit the individual project pages listed below.
Contact Information
Casey Ling
4-H Youth Development Agent